Staging the Spectacular – Directors Panel at the Black Theatre Network Conference

I’ll be in St. Louis this coming weekend for the Black Theatre Network Conference.

Hundreds of Black theater artists and professionals will gather for a full four days of programs, fellowships and events.

The theme is Afrofuturism. I was so excited about the opportunity to join the programming.

On Friday July 21st at 4:30 PM CST, I’ll be in conversation with three directors, all leaders in the field, and with great experience envisioning and staging afro-futuristic work (like mine). 

 This panel will explore Black theater excellence as a panel discussion between three Black directors on their approach to mounting Black theater. This will include a particular focus on what is distinctive about Afrofuturism for the stage.

Derek will host in person, joined by the panelists vis Zoom.



I almost went overboard and invited a couple more directors, as I’ve been blessed with a few more great collaborations. In my opinion, their contributions go unacknowledged too often, and their creative process is one that almost never unfolds outside the intense pressure-cooker of production demands.   

Hopefully I’ll get a chance to recognize more collaborators at future programs, particularly directors.   If you’re interested in joining us. I’ve got a zoom webinar link available. Just inbox me before 2 PM Friday. 


BREAKING… through, in, out, etc.


New Work Published in Michigan Quarterly Review